
Το κυνήγι των υδρόβιων είναι από τα καλύτερα, συναρπαστικότερα αλλά και πιο νόστιμα κυνήγια. Το κυνήγι των υδρόβιων έχει πολλούς οπαδούς στην Ελλάδα, στην Αργεντινή, στην Αμερική, στην Ιρλανδία και αλλού. Το κυνήγι των υδρόβιων είναι ένα αθλητικό και άκρως ενδιαφέρον κυνήγι μέσα σε τοπία εξαιρετικής φυσικής ομορφιάς, ακόμα και κάτω από ακραίες καιρικές συνθήκες, καθώς τέτοιες συνθήκες είναι κατάλληλες για να ικανοποιηθεί το πάθος του κυνηγού με πολλά θηράματα. Το κυνήγι των υδρόβιων θηραμάτων μπορεί να γίνει μέσα σε ελώδεις εκτάσεις, όχθες ποταμών, μέσα σε λίμνες που εμφανίζουν πλούσια υδάτινη βλάστηση αλλά και οπουδήποτε γίνονται μεγάλες συγκεντρώσεις νερού. Υδρόβια θηράματα μπορεί ακόμα να βρει ένας κυνηγός σε ρίζες δέντρων κοντά σε όχθες ποταμών, σε βάλτους ακόμη και σε πλημμυρισμένα χωράφια. Για το κυνήγι των υδρόβιων θηραμάτων χρειάζεται σίγουρα και σκύλος, κυρίως για να μαζέψει τα χτυπημένα θηράματα, ωστόσο όμως ο κυνηγός θα πρέπει για την ασφάλεια του σκύλου να μην το αφήνει να μπαίνει σε επικύνδυνα ρεύματα. Στην Ελλάδα όταν λέμε για υδρόβια θηράματα εννοούμε κυρίως πάπιες. Για το κυνήγι της πάπιας χρειάζονται σκυλιά καλά εκπαιδευμένα, ανθεκτικά στο κρύο, γεροδεμένα και να μη φοβούνται το νερό αλλά και την πολύωρη κίνηση μέσα στο νερό. Όπως σε όλα τα κυνήγια τα σκυλιά πρέπει να είναι υπάκουα και φυσικά όπως ήδη αναφέρθηκε να μην έχουν κοντό τρίχωμα για να μην υποφέρουν από το κρύο. Τα σκυλιά αυτά που ακολουθούν τον κυνηγό σε τόσο δυσμενείς καιρικές συνθήκες χρειάζονται μεγάλη προσοχή, τόσο κατά την διάρκεια του κυνηγιού, όσο και μετά, με ένα καλό στέγνωμα γυρνώντας στο σπίτι.

Η πρασινοκέφαλη πάπια

Η πρασινοκέφαλη πάπια είναι η πιο γνωστή αλλά και η πιο πολυπληθής κυνηγόπαπια. Το όνομα της το έχει γιατί κυρίως έχει πράσινο κεφάλι και λαιμό. Συναντάται κυρίως σε γλυκά νερά όπως λίμνες, βάλτους, ρυάκια, ποταμούς, χωράφια με νερό. Ωστόσο όμως μπορεί να τις βρει και ο κυνηγός σε θάλλασες ή σε παραθαλλάσιες εκτάσεις. Οι περισσότερες από τις πρασινοκέφαλες πάπιες είναι ενδημικές. Πραγματοποιούν όμως και περιπλανητικές μετατοπίσεις, κυρίως σε περιόδους παγετού για να καθίσουν σε εκτάσεις που δεν καλύπτονται από πάγο. Έχουμε αναφερθεί και σε παλαίοτερο άρθρο για το εξαιρετικό κυνήγι της πάπιας και σε επόμενο φύλλο της Σελίδας του Κυνηγού θα γίνει αναφορά σε διάφορες συνταγές μαγειρέματος πάπιας από διαφορετικά μέρη της Ελλάδας.

Το μπεκατσίνι

Το μπεκατσίνι των βάλτων έχει και αυτό αρκετούς οπαδούς στην Ελλάδα όπως ακριβώς και η μπεκάτσα. Θεωρείται πολύ ωραίο κυνήγι και νοστιμότατος μεζές στο τραπέζι. Είναι μια μικρογραφία μπεκάτσας, σχετικά σπάνιο, δύσκολο να σηκωθεί και δύσκολο στη στόχευση. Περπαντώντας, σε έναν βάλτο μπορεί να σηκωθεί ένα μπεκατσίνι αλλά και σε αυτό το κυνήγι ένα σκυλί αποτελεί έναν εξαιρετικό βοηθό. Πολύ διαδεδομένο και δεμένο με την παράδοση των κυνηγών το συγκεκριμένο θήραμα θεωρείται και στην Ιρλανδία. Το μπεκατσίνι, όπως αναφέρθηκε ήδη είναι μια μικρογραφία μπεκάτσας. Έχει πολλές μορφολογικές ομοιότητες με την μπεκάτσα στα δάση. Έχει μακρύ και μυτερό ράμφος, τα μάτια είναι σε αρκετά πλάγια θέση και γι’ αυτό έχει πολύ μεγάλο οπτικό πεδίο. Η περιοχή που τρέφεται είναι οι βάλτοι ή όπου υπάρχει υγρό και μαλακό χώμα, χωρίς όμως να έχει πολλά νερά, γιατί δεν μπορεί να τραφεί. Γενικώς, οι πιο πολυσύχναστοι τόποι είναι περιοχές με βλάστηση, χαμηλοί βάλτοι, υγρά χωράφια, όχθες λιμνών. Σε περιόδους παγετού το θήραμα ανεβαίνει σε ψηλά ρεύματα νερού αλλά και ψηλά σε βουνά. Είναι κυρίως μοναχικό πουλί αλλά κάποιες φορές συναντάνται και σε κοπάδι. Εδώ να τονιστεί η περίεργη συμεριφορά του συγκεκριμένου θηράματος, που είναι γνώριμη για τους κυνηγούς των υδρόβιων θηραμάτων και δεν είναι άλλη από τους αλλοπρόσαλλους ελιγμούς που συνοδεύονται με μια βραχνή φωνή, όχι μόνο για να αποφύγει τον κυνηγό και τις τουφεκιές του, αλλά και για να ενημερώσει τα υπόλοιπα πουλιά που βρίσκονται τριγύρω. Υπάρχουν αρκετά βίντεο στο διαδίκτυο που μπορεί να δει κανείς τους ελιγμούς αυτούς, με τη μορφή ζιγκ – ζαγκ, από το μπεκατσίνι.


Ήδη αναφέρθηκε η Αργεντινή στο σημερινό άρθρο και όχι τυχαία, καθώς είναι η χώρα που μπορεί να χαρακτηριστεί ως η μητέρα του κυνηγιού των υδρόβιων θηραμάτων. Χιλιάδες οι κυνηγοί, χιλιάδες και τα θηράματα της πρασινοκέφαλης πάπιας, πάπιες με ροζ ράμφος, αγριόχηνες και μπεκατσίνια. Ειδικά οι πάπιες είναι τόσες πολλές, που σε πολλές περιοχές της Αργεντινής είναι βλαβερές λόγω των εκτεταμένων ζημιών που προκαλούν σε ορυζώνες. Το κυνήγι των υδρόβιων πουλιών στην Αργεντινή πραγματοποιείται κυρίως σε βάλτους και σε μικρές λίμνες.

Γενικές πληροφορίες για υγρότοπους

Υγροβιότοπος ή αλλιώς υγρότοπος ονομάζεται κάθε τόπος που καλύπτεται μόνιμα ή εποχικά από ρηχά νερά ή που δεν καλύπτεται ποτέ από νερά αλλά έχει υγρό υπόστρωμα για μεγάλο διάστημα του έτους. Υγρότοποι είναι φυσικές ή τεχνητές περιοχές αποτελούμενες από έλη με ποώδη βλάστηση, από μη αποκλειστικώς ομβροδίαιτα έλη με τυρφώδες υπόστρωμα, από τυρφώδεις γαίες ή από νερό. Οι περιοχές αυτές είναι μόνιμα ή προσωρινά κατακλυζόμενες από νερό το οποίο είναι στάσιμο ή τρεχούμενο, γλυκό, υφάλμυρο ή αλμυρό και περιλαμβάνουν επίσης εκείνες τις εκτάσεις που καλύπτονται από θαλασσινό νερό το βάθος του οποίου κατά τη ρηχία δεν υπερβαίνει τα έξι μέτρα. Φυσικοί υγροβιότοποι: Ποταμοί και ρυάκια με συνεχή ροή, δέλτα ποταμών, ποτάμιες πλημμυρογενείς πεδιάδες, λίμνες γλυκού νερού, υφάλμυρες λίμνες και έλη, λιμνούλες με έλη γλυκού νερού, έλη με θαμνώδη βλάστηση, δάσος σε έλος γλυκού νερού, τυρφώδεις γαίες ή έλη με τυρφώδη πυθμένα, αλπικοί υγρότοποι, πηγές γλυκού, οάσεις και γεωθερμικοί υγροβιότοποι.

Τεχνητοί υγροβιότοποι είναι: Περιοχές αποθήκευσης νερού που δημιουργούνται με φράγματα, λιμνούλες αγροκτημάτων, λιμνούλες υδατοκαλλιεργειών, αλυκές, αγρότοποι από εκσκαφές σε λατομεία και ορυχεία, υγρότοποι για επεξεργασία λυμμάτων και εποχικώς κατακλυζόμενες γαίες.

Το άρθρο δημοσιεύθηκε στην εφημερίδα “Ελεύθερη Ώρα”

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    It focuses on a quantity of aspects of performance and comes in 5 flavors. With over 23 years of fitness center expertise, I relied closely on how the pre-workouts made me really feel throughout exercises and the results noted. Having never been an everyday pre-workout user, I approached this testing with a clear slate and no preconceived notions, permitting me to assess each product without bias. No one desires to battle with a clumpy or gritty pre-workout — smooth and easy-to-drink is the objective.
    Pump Pre-Workout was chosen by Carry Vault as probably the greatest pre-workouts for pumps. The name says all of it; Clear Labs is all about being upfront and honest about what they put into their products. Nice for stacking with a stim pre-workout or taking alone for a stim-free expertise. It’s necessary to notice you could experience some of these or none at all. The precise results rely on your tolerance and the quantity of elements used.
    While they didn’t earn a spot on our record, these pre-workouts have distinctive qualities that will attraction to sure users. Here’s why they stood out — and why they didn’t quite make the ultimate rankings. Most health care professionals, myself included, advocate choosing dietary supplements that are third-party tested to give you peace of thoughts about security and efficacy. Athletes must also contemplate supplements with NSF or Knowledgeable Sport certifications to make sure the products have been tested and are free from any banned substances. The Worldwide Society of Sports Vitamin (ISSN) recommends beta-alanine dosages of at least 1.6 grams per serving to assist scale back muscular fatigue.
    If you want one of the strongest pre exercises around, one that can probably get banned ahead of later and turn out to be the stuff of legends, you’ll be able to pick up a tub (or two) at Supps Central. For that cause I never took Excelsior again and got rid of my tub. But if you’re in search of the strongest, most “stimmed out” pre exercise round proper now, it is in all probability Excelsior. The people who love it actually like it, nevertheless it was absolutely not my idea of an excellent time. Gorilla Mode might help you’re feeling more energized, have more focus, and feel extra “pumped” to go to the health club. With this additional energy, you’ll have the ability to really feel stronger and provides your greatest efficiency whereas training. Nonetheless, because it has stimulants and different lively elements, it is at all times better to check with your physician to ensure you are match to take the supplement without affecting your well being.
    Relying on the dosage, the consequences will kick in after about 15 to 20 minutes and last for a number of hours. Even after a workout, the physique can continue to really feel the effects of a potent pre-workout powder. Ideally, you’ll need to keep away from caffeinated pre-workout powders within the night because you might need bother falling asleep. Not all pre-workout powder is created equal, however, and it’s necessary to grasp your body in addition to your training targets earlier than selecting one. Right Here, we’ve put together some components to think about when choosing a pre-workout powder, as well as a few of our high suggestions. Eria jarensis is a stimulant frequently seen alongside DMHA in high-stim pre-workouts. Alpha GPC is a cholinergic compound that is produced throughout the physique.
    It is typical for this ingredient to include malic acid in malate, which has some advantages similar to beta-alanine. However, you want six to eight grams of pure Citrulline for proper dosage, and a few merchandise might listing the Malic Acid as a separate ingredient. “Pre-workout dietary supplements may be efficient depending upon the ingredients, dose and timing,” explains Marie Spano, a sports activities performance nutritionist who works with skilled athletes in Atlanta. Watch out for merchandise with synthetic sweeteners, proprietary blends, or ones that haven’t been third-party tested. Some include robust stimulants like DMHA or alpha yohimbine, which can trigger undesirable unwanted aspect effects.The finest approach to decide if a product is safe is to see the way it affects your body.
    Certain there are different stimulants that do work similar to yohimbine and theacrine, but hardcore pre-workout customers know it’s not fairly the identical with out caffeine. DMAA pre workout is a pre workout supplement that features the stimulant DMAA (1,three Dimethylamylamine), an amphetamine spinoff. DMAA is understood for offering vitality, focus, and euphoria by increasing concentrations of the neurotransmitters dopamine and epinephrine. Accordingly, DMAA pre exercise is in style amongst hardcore bodybuilders, powerlifters, and different energy training athletes. This fat burning pre exercise delivers a robust pump for those trying to take a break from caffeine or are figuring out late at night. By offering a max dose of non-stimulant elements, a stimulant-like pump is felt when supplementing this product. Lion’s Mane is a nootropic that may provide intensive focus in the course of the workout.



  20. It’s protected to say this shake supplies every thing you want to refuel after onerous exercises, which is important when you’re looking to construct muscle fast. Leading brand MyProtein is providing up to 60% off across lots of of merchandise on its website, including 15% savings on a complete range of creatine supplements. Prepared to scoop up a creatine supplement so you can begin getting these performance gains? Learn on for our definitive listing of the 12 best creatine supplements on the market in 2025.
    Formulated using a research-backed 5 g dose of creatine monohydrate, the complement is designed that can assist you construct muscle, improve strength, and enhance performance. We suppose Creatine HCL by Kaged is the ultimate high-quality creatine complement for athletes. Both products don’t have any historical past of using banned substances for competition.
    Since it’s unflavored, it eliminates the priority of added sugars or flavors, usually present in other well-liked creatine dietary supplements. Creatine Monohydrate by Alpha Lion is designed to help muscle progress, energy, and performance. This premium-grade, micronized creatine ensures that your muscle tissue receive highly absorbable and efficient fuel for higher ends in your fitness journey.
    The citric acid angle lacks strong backing—research on citrate’s metabolic role doesn’t translate to measurable performance boosts when paired with creatine. The idea is intriguing—combine creatine’s energy-boosting effects with nitrate’s circulatory perks. Some research on nitrates (typically from sources like beetroot) counsel they will enhance endurance by reducing oxygen value during exercise, which might theoretically complement creatine’s anaerobic benefits. Stangland says that the ingredients section ought to read only creatine monohydrate, and there shouldn’t be any point out of different preservatives, components, binders, and so forth. You May discover creatine monohydrate, either in powdered or capsule type, flavored or unflavored, at your vitamin retailer, so you possibly can pick primarily based in your preference. Although creatine could be present in smaller quantities in meals like salmon, rooster, beef and pork, many individuals take dietary supplements for fitness benefits.
    The product is formulated using a research-backed 5,000 mg (5 grams) dosage of creatine monohydrate. This sets it aside from other inferior products that use less-well-researched sorts of creatine. EFX Sports Kre-Alkalyn Kre-Alkalyn by EFX Sports Activities is a buffered type of creatine, which some folks prefer over monohydrate. While I personally lean towards monohydrate, I recognize the advantages and comfort of this capsule format. It does really feel a bit overpriced for what it is, however it’s nonetheless a strong selection, thus touchdown in the B-tier. Plus, this specific product is the most effective value you’ll discover (1000 grams for $20) and it will final you months. I actually purchased the very same product the last time I got creatine (which jogs my memory that it’s time to re-up).
    Optimum Diet is a reputable model that has been offering high-quality sports activities nutrition merchandise for over 30 years. Their Micronized Creatine Monohydrate Capsules are probably the greatest creatine supplements for muscle constructing assist. Each capsule incorporates 2.5 g of 100% pure creatine monohydrate, which is one of the most widely studied and proven types of creatine. Creatine monohydrate helps assist ATP recycling, which is the method of regenerating energy for explosive movements. By taking these capsules daily, over time, and mixed with train, you can anticipate to see enhancements in your muscle building, recovery, performance, power, and energy.
    Fortunately, all you have to do is check for the NSF International “Certified for Sport” mark. No matter how a lot you probably can curl, creatine doesn’t dissolve simply in a shaker bottle. Roussell recommends buying a product that incorporates micronized creatine. The larger floor space improves its ability to dissolve into water,” he says. Plus, only the best creatine complement can help you enhance mass and energy.
    Micronized creatine has been processed to scale back the particle size, main to better solubility and absorption. It Is often a most well-liked choice for individuals who experience digestive discomfort with regular creatine. Ascent Clear Creatine is Knowledgeable Sport Licensed (a UK certification program), making it a wise selection for athletes who wish to scale back their threat of unintentionally taking banned substances. Ascent Clear Creatine is made with 100% German-sourced creatine monohydrate (Creapure), which is considered the purest creatine monohydrate available. It has decrease creatinine, dihydrotestosterone (DHT), and dicyandiamide (DCD) levels because of its further purifying processes. Creatine’s major function within the body is to combine with a phosphoryl group to form phosphocreatine.
    My on/off symptoms of peri-menopause have largely manifested as sleep deprivation, mind fog and lack of focus and focus. I’ve noticed that my capability to focus on work, despite an absence of sleep, has massively improved. The Place brain fog has made it troublesome to at all times articulate my thoughts, at occasions even making me neglect words I’ve used for years, I’ve positively felt extra clarity in the final few weeks.



  21. Front squats shift more focus onto the quadriceps and require more higher again and core strength. When talking about muscle teams labored, the quadriceps are the primary muscle concerned within the squat exercise, but the glutes and adductors play a synergistic position. If you need to construct main muscle mass in your quads, nothing compares to heavy deep squat resistance workout routines. We’ll break every motion down into steps so you can have the very best thought of how every is carried out to maximum effectiveness.
    Muscle activation patterns differ between sumo deadlifts and squats due to variations in joint angles and motion mechanics. In sumo deadlifts, the first muscles activated include the glutes, hamstring, quadriceps, and lower again. The wider stance and hip abduction in the sumo deadlift end in higher activation of the adductor muscle tissue as properly. When it involves key workouts, squats and deadlifts are commonly in rotation—and for good reason. Whether you are doing these moves together with your bodyweight or added fitness center equipment, every train is very effective at building lower-body power. In the ongoing debate of deadlifts vs squats, the reply to which carry is healthier remains unchanged.
    The selection is yours, relying on the particular muscle group you need to goal. To avoid damage, the back ought to remain straight and the knees should stay behind the toes. It will take practice to get the best type down, so always start with out weights first. Now, let’s take a glance at the squat and deadlift and the way each of them is performed. Many of us use some of these movements in our day by day lives and can benefit from performing these strength workout routines. Every Day residing requires useful workouts, so you might be performing squats with out realizing it.
    Make certain to grab the bar about shoulder width apart or a couple of inches outward. If you have a nasty back or dangerous knees, that may restrict what you are in a place to do. Most importantly, we want to keep away from squatting in trainers at all prices. The gentle sole in most running shoes is like squatting on a pillow. With that being said, we need to experiment with totally different movements to seek out what’s best for us. Anticipate expert-backed exercises, diet recommendation, the newest in power sports activities, and an entire lot of motivation heading your means.
    As A Substitute, it’s finest suited to constructing your spinal erectors, glutes, traps, hamstrings, core, and forearms and sometimes isn’t as efficient for growing the other muscle teams listed above. The deadlift trains your complete posterior chain, together with the lats, traps, spinal erectors, glutes, hamstrings, and calves. It additionally trains a quantity of other muscle teams across the relaxation of your body, like the quads, forearms, core, and shoulders. For instance, in case your goal is to enhance leg strength, you can do squats first and train deadlifts as a secondary movement to train different body components.
    In summary, it all boils down to personal preferences and your training objectives. Both are compound movements with many health and performance benefits, but the squat has the slight benefit. They aren’t educated as typically as they should; nevertheless, squats are a terrific choice for constructing energy in these leg muscle tissue. Finally, your hamstrings and gastrocnemius also work as dynamic stabilizers. During a deadlift, however, the barbell rests on the ground instead of in your physique. So although each exercises require lots of core stability to carry out properly, the squat ultimately puts a lot more stress on your physique than the deadlift. Deadlifts really work each muscle in your entire physique, including your hamstrings, glutes, calves, lats, traps, core, and extra, notes Sullivan.
    Once you grasp type and position them properly in your exercise, you’ll see nothing but positive aspects with these two staple exercises. Sure, there could be nothing mistaken with doing two compound lifts on the same day. However you often want to choose which one goes to be the actual beginning train that gets plenty of your vitality. The transfer you choose to do second will really check your limits because you ought to have spent most of your vitality on the primary. If you train three days a week with squats and deadlifts your physique will definitely develop.
    This makes them extremely effective workout routines for building general power and muscle mass. Choosing the right workouts on your leg day routine is often a daunting task, particularly when confronted with a plethora of options. Two popular contenders typically vying for a spot in your workout are the lure bar deadlift and the hack squat. Each workouts successfully goal your quads, glutes, and hamstrings, but they differ of their mechanics and benefits. This weblog submit will delve into the intricacies of each train, evaluating and contrasting them to help you determine which one most closely fits your fitness goals.



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